These words have been confusing: we speak of someone totally possessed since his youngest age, who has not attended school, which does not behave like a normal child but rather a living animal. Reciting or hearing the Quran verses and simultaneously meditating on its meanings boost our immunity level. Under the effect of this Sihr and under the Jinn is whispering, a suitor, who would have initially agreed to the marriage, would decline after a few days, without any valid reason. Symbolic Sihr means that sorcerers will use symbols to harm the person like the symbol of knots – like in Surah Falaq, when they blow on knots so it means they tie up a persons life, mind or womb or relations to get confused etc. What is Ruqyah Shariah ? Experiencing abnormal health problems such as: Unexplained pain in particular part of body, Ahadith; sayings of the Prophet (صلى الله عليه و سلم). Some relief is obtained but still cure eludes them. ‎Another symptoms is stuffy and congested nose. I am scared and I don’t want to wait for that to happen again. Sihr is treated according to how it is done, example, if eaten Sihr, it has to be removed from the stomach. Some relief is obtained but still cure eludes them. Most of the time this type of Sihr is attached by walking on it. I see signs that I have a jinn or jinns inside of me. Diagnosing is a revolution in Ruqya because once you know and identify the problem, then you have won 50% of the fight. An example of explanation will … Book and article series. They will feel pain at their muscle suddenly. If this Sihr was not meant for you, you will still get it but the effects will be much less but if it was meant for you then you will feel the full effect. Removing Sihr does not depend on the effect of Sihr but how it is done. This is the way to proceed when diagnosing. We will cough continuously although ‎we are healthy. There are many different Ruqyah techniques and factors to amplify the effectiveness of one’s Ruqyah. Someone who suffer from  black magic will ‎feel uncomfortable with the nose. With the recitation of the Qur'an alone, devils can be expelled and eliminated. It is an effective laxative and is a good medicine with no side effects, well balanced and dry. Effect on livestock: camels (see hadith), bring down a bird from the sky etc. Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “The evil eye is real and if anything were to overtake the divine decree, it would be the evil eye.” (Muslim) If you feel you are affected by… Here is the instruction: But sometimes the Psychological problem is GRAVER than the problem of Sihr/Jinn possession or and it also happens that the  Psychological problem prevents the patient to be cured of the black magic and the Jinns because he is Psychologically too much touched it gives some strength to the Jinns and to the Witchcraft to dominate him. The last symptoms of black magic is muscle aches and ‎stiffness. The voice of the jinn is not necessarily the jinn itself in the throat or … Someone who suffer from black magic will ‎feel uncomfortable with the nose. Another symptoms is stuffy and congested nose. Sometimes this Sihr is put in the body only to keep a Jinn in the body like in the shoulder and there will be a Jinn there causing pain and blockages in life and if you try to remove that Jinn it will be difficult because it will be attached to the Sihr. Three people told me the same thing, and two of them are experienced raqis. What appears to be a fairy-tale to average "modern" man, is a recognized cure in Islam. This Sihr also brings some Jinn. ‎Someone can feel that his head is really heavy and cannot do any work. The primary effect is to block a persons life and this will show that the person is affected with Sihr. Teach self Ruqya treatment about Jinn possession , Black margin and illness To Quran and Sunnah . We will ‎always go to sleep. Therefore, there is a delay in seeing the physical effects of the ruqya since the ruqya first affects the spiritual disease and then in turn, the spiritual disease affects the human body which we then finally see as physical manifestations of the spiritual disease. The secondary effect of Sihr will show us how the Sihr has been done and that will give us the clue for the treatment. This type of ruqyah was approved and prescribed by the prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) during his time on a number of occasions for the treatment of fevers, sores, scorpion bites and evil eye. You cannot be 100% sure but you will do hijaama anyway because Nabi (PBUH) said hijaama is remedy for 40 diseases. Ask a question. When a child has a jinn who has dominated his young age, the problem is that he has never had personality and never had possession of his body. Different verses can have different effects when recited on a person. And normally happens due to the presence of the jinn in human body and in this case the brain the jinn often leave a damage and after the Jinns are removed  Patients are adviced to seek Medical Treatment. Can optionally remove witchcraft, which partially relieve the person, but we can not (according to the current state of our knowledge) to remove the jinn, because if it comes out, that will be the master of the body? Similarly like Ruqya where you use Quraan reciting, but by using things like water, oil and hijaama it is just there to increase the effect of Quraan. There are many ways in which Sihr is done, however, most people feel the effects in four basic categories of their life. Doctors have no explanation of how these skin diseases appear or understand how it works. * Thus truth was confirmed and all that they did was made of no effect * So the (great ones) were vanquished there and then, and were made to look small”. These effects may manifest themselves as strange smells in a room, insects or dead mice in a room, strange markings and defects in the walls or on the floors. If you are affected by Jinn please do not be offended but we think this its best to eliminate these as possible factors. There is also heaviness and weight on the heart and constriction in the throat. We will suffer from a bad sore throat. Sihr Put in The Body How can you be sure that the pain is due to Sihr and Jinn and Ayn.? Most psychologist reject the existence of mystical problems even though they could not solve the patient’s problem; this is because psychology does not believe in the existence of jinns or black magic. The pains will always be unusual and repetitive and systematic like headaches and difficulty learning, concentrating and craziness while for women it is to stop them from having babies or stop women having sexual relations with their husbands to block them totally. You recognise this by the pains the patients will have. Please login or register. "normal" again because of the serious side effects. When black magic has done to us, we will feel that our body is not active. December 22, 2020, 09:20:29 AM ... [10/30, 12:38 PM] Mufti Abu Hajira: Just because listening to Qur'an has its benefit, do you side step the awliya of reading Quran? I stayed without medicines for about ten months, and now almost every symptom is back except the depression and the hallucination. Even in cases of diseases such as eczema and psoriasis, western medicine is generally quite helpless because it often does not recognize the true causes. The impossible cases are those where the patient has suffered irreversible changes, physical or mental. There is hardly a better opportunity to witness the power and blessedness of the Qur'an as with Ruqyah. It consists of words said or written in the form of dud or Dhikr for the purpose of protection or cure. Psychological problems but that does not exclude the  possibility of being affected by Black Magic. Diagnosing is a revolution in Ruqya because once you know and identify the problem, then you have won 50% of the fight. We can still expect a slight improvement and relief of the sick, and limit the deterioration of his condition he is in constant degradation. In fact if the disease of delusion strikes a man, it is one of the most serious kinds of disease, for jinn possession may be dealt with by reciting the Qur’an as a Ruqyah, but the disease of delusion is a vicious circle. Check Our List Of Ruqyah Products We Recommend This type of Sihr is sent with the Jinn to put in the body. The mistake of most people who are not experienced in Ruqya is to attack the Jinn without removing the Sihr. The primary effect is to block a persons life and this will show that the person is affected with Sihr. Ruqya treatment against black magic, jinn possession and evil eye. in fatigue, low energy, low immunity, mental c onfusion, loss of. 4. The secondary effect of Sihr will show us how the Sihr has been done and that will give us the clue for the treatment. Listening to Ruqyah, Reciting it, & Siḥr. Contact Sihr usually gives skin problems like Psoriasis or Eczema. Ruqyah FAQs . Contact Sihr Doctors will give names for these pains like ulcers, cron disease, piles, consistent constipation, acid reflux, etc. No, InsyaAllah there is no side effect that would harm you when listening to the audio “verses of quran” Don’t be scared you just need to believe that Allah swt will help you – you should have no doubt about it. Please bare in mind that these categories give just a basic idea of how the Sihr may have been done or wether or no the person may even be affected with Sihr. The possessed person might suffer of twitching in different parts of his body during the ruqyah specially the face, some of the patients experience mouth movements left of right ,also they might experience eye movement or sudden movements in the shoulders, all these symptoms are registered on different patients during ruqyah reading or during Quran reading. The later one is usually due to black magic and/or jinn possession. In this example the sweet represents the Sihr and the ants represent Jinn. Ruqyah serves the dual purpose of curing both the body and the mind because it restores the balance of the psychological and mental systems. Ruqyah Bath is not only an effective treatment for curing the affects of back magic, sihr, ayn, evil eye and jinn possession but can be used for many serious illnesses & sickness like cancer, leukemia, depression and more. This is mostly accidentally which means someone put Sihr somewhere and anyone who walks on it will get the Sihr, or it could be for a purpose, like if they put it on your way in-front to your shop or house or somewhere where you always sit. Sihr in English terms is Black Magic or Jadu according to the Indian understanding. The hair is mostly used to affect the mind and that was how it affected Nabi (PBUH) because he was imagining things so that is to tie your mind so you cant think, then they put it in a skunk or hyhina or dry well used for toilet or under a stone all to drive someone crazy. This is the way to proceed when diagnosing. This section is updated regularly with readers questions. Some patients are suffering from serious They will feel pain at their muscle suddenly. Even if the patient has a natural pain like breaking a knee, and if a Jinn comes into the body, it will likely to go into the knee and it will find that weak place, sit there and make it worse. However, if the Sihr is removed them most of the time the Jinn will leave by himself because there is nothing keeping it with the person. Effect on the body: Power, speed and activity, health and wellness, skills e.g. Sorcerers use symbols very much as they did for Nabi (PBUH). © Copyright 2018 - Ruqya South Africa | Design by theimagehouse design studio. It must be in the Arabic language, or what is known to be its meaning in other languages. The only down side to this is the price from a students perspective. It treats illnesses; such as evil eye, witchcraft, envy, and such diseases. Ruqyah Shar’eeyah is based on Islamic Sharia law and has three conditions. It is sometimes accompanied with other actions, such as blowing or wiping over the thing ich it is applied. However, we as muslim have to believe in the existence of jinn and sihr because Allah has talked about jinns in the Quran. If you remove the ants then more will come. The only side effect i have is decrease in appetite which helps when fasting Alhamdulillah. One of them is someone will feel ‎fever and the fever may be high and can cause death. Effects on plants, trees … shukran! The effects of sihr may not take control of them in the same way or to the same extent it might do to someone who is not particularly mindful of Allah, so therefore generally it will not be obvious to the untrained eye. There are many symptoms of black magic. After a year of medicines and two crazy side effects, I quitted. So it is necessary to treat him at the came time for the Psychological problems and for the Mystic problems. We are focusing this small article for the treatment of black magic, evil eye and jinn possession. [10/30, 12:39 PM] [Brother 2] : No doubt both have their noor and effect.. Not to mention blockades in life, which are not even recognized as a medical problem! Decreased. But that is subject to the condition that the treatment does not cause side effects which are worse than the problem itself. Eaten Sihr can also be done by accident, but the person will not feel the full effects of the Sihr because the Sihr may have been meant for someone else – Allah knows best. Symbolic Sihr This is actually a body without a master other than the djinn. When answering questions about Ruqyah Magic Shir and Jinn we have always tried to eliminate possible medical and environmental issues. The last symptoms of black magic is muscle aches and ‎stiffness. Apart from that جزاك الله خيرا Ruqyah treatment works to undo these knots and remove evil forces and bring relief and Shifa to the afflicted patient. 3. What we have said here also applies to when the jinn speak during ruqya. cooking etc. Allah also uses the word SIHR in Quraan and we understand that this word only relates to evil and wrong doing. Those medications further cause side effects and damages as in reality they are not needed. Obviously, I cannot mention all the possibilities but you will definitely know when you have experienced a strange and mysterious occurrence. Eaten Sihr The idea is to remove the sweet in order to also easily stop more ants from coming. Difficulty to sleep … A sudden change in attitude from love to hate. Ruqyah is the practice of healing spiritual sicknesses through Ayat (verses) from the holy book; Quran. Psoriasis only comes by physical contact. There is a difference between psychological and mystical problems. So, we do not give false hope to the family and explain well the limits of our possibilities. Ruqyah can be used to ward of negative energies that cause problems such as pain, stress, mental illness, blocks in life etc and it can be used to invite positive energies such as a good destiny, lightness, relief from pain and illnesses etc. The four categories are listed below. Ruqyah - Islamic Exorcism Protection and Healing - Jinn, Sorcery and Evil Eye. When a person has eaten Sihr, they will have unusual pains in the stomach that may last for months or even years. Sihr has primary effects and secondary effects. In cases of a strong Sihr, a suitor would, upon entering the house of his prospective wife, feel very uncomfortable and see darkness before him as if he were in prison, and so would never return. An example of explanation will be that if you put a sweet on the floor it will attract many ants. AMINA BINTE MUNAVAR Effect on ages: longevity, age relative to appearance, death, grave interference. Suffering from PCOS is already hard as it is but being continuous with berberine will start to make increasingly better results after 3 months بإذن الله. If it is cooked in olive oil and drunk, it expels putrid matter. Sihr is always done to harm the victim and the type of harm includes but not restricted to: 3. This type of Sihr can be removed with Senna leaves or Sidr mixed with Quraan. 2. Its beneficial effects include working against depressing thoughts, cracks in the feet, tension in the muscles, the spread of hair, lice, scabies, pustules and itching. Oxygen Utilization leads to the excessive free radicals that result. The fourth symptom is dry cough. Ibn Hajar (rahimuhullah) said there is a consensus on the using of ruqyah if three conditions are met: It must be with the speech of Allah (Qur’aan) and his names and attributes. It is also effective against pain in the back and hips. So the human being in him was never expressed. Then the next symptoms is sore throat. We do not like to use the word BLACK MAGIC because some people believe that even BLACK MAGIC can be good, whereas no Black Magic can be good because it all involves Shirk. 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